Data Quality Dashboard

Monitor, maintain, and optimize your data quality

Data is a crucial production factor, and high-quality data will boost your daily operations. Optimizing and maintaining data quality requires two things: a good plan and discipline.

Unfortunately, ad hoc improvements only work in the short term and will result in a yo-yo effect. However, Type 2 Solutions is experienced in optimizing master data and we bring you the tool to make data work: the Data Quality Monitor.

Data Quality Dashboard

The Data Quality Dashboard is an online dashboard that tracks and measures the quality of your data and helps you to take targeted action.

It is a fast, simple, and user-friendly tool that offers you a lot of functionalities in the field of extensive data analysis and data exploration.

Keep reading for an overview of the possibilities the dashboard can offer your organization.

Empower Yourself

Using the Data Quality Dashboard will provide you with real-time insight into your data, and, ultimately, the peace of mind that comes with being in control.

  • Guard the quality standards for newly-entered data
  • Keep exceptions to these standards in plain view
  • Track the level of data quality over time
  • Organize your monitored data by topic for easy access
  • Optimize data in a targeted manner
  • Annoying Excel lists are a thing of the past
  • Boost results with up-to-date, complete and correct data

Real-time data insight

The Data Quality Monitor gives you clarity. It empowers you to steer by the realities in your data. Say goodbye to vague estimates and guesswork. From now on you can deal in facts.

Safeguard your data quality

The clarity is not just there for a week or a month; using our data quality dashboard leads to continuous improvement of your data. Over time, the facts keep adding up, and you get progressive insight.

This insight enables focused efforts in maintaining your master data. And with it comes a strategic advantage in the long term.

The video shows you how it works.

Video ‘How does the data quality monitor work?

Dashboard functionalities

The Data Quality Monitor offers you the following functionalities:

  • Reporting, data analysis, and data exploration.
  • An overview of the data quality of the file or files arranged by subject (referred to as ‘Domains’ and ‘Rules’).
  • Rules to which the data must conform are determined for each domain.
  • External reference files can also be used for this.
  • An impact weight is linked to each data domain and to each rule.
  • Via your dashboard you have insight into the progress achieved at global, domain and rule level.
    • You will also receive notifications via e-mail, daily or based on the frequency you prefer.
    • You can give a location (client) targeted access to the domain of data for which they are responsible.
  • Overview of all identified exceptions, including an explanation of why this entry is an exception:
    • You can download this overview.
  • You can immediately take targeted action and optimize the data.
  • Employees can simultaneously optimize data quality.
  • Annoying Excel lists are a thing of the past.

Screenshot of the Data Quality Dashboard. The data quality monitor offers you a data optimization proposal.

Master data management tool

On top of this, the data quality dashboard offers management a data quality management tool to evaluate the progress achieved and formulate specific objectives.

The organization is made aware of the current working method and its consequences for the data quality of the relevant system. This ensures faster achievement of the desired result; current, complete, and correct data.

Finally, the software can be used for extensive data analysis and data exploration.

Result: High data reliability

The data files, reports, and data quality will evolve over time. The dashboard is a user-friendly tool and easy to extend and adapt with datasets, domains, and rules, both at the client and project management level.

The Data Quality Dashboard offers you a reporting tool to measure, monitor, and optimize quality continuously. The result of this is correct, complete, and accurate data sets and reliable business operations.

Discover the Data Quality Dashboard

We have set up a demo environment of the Data Quality Monitor with a set of product data.

Book an online demo

Schedule a demo of the Data Quality Monitor via our calendar at Calendly or leave your details and we will contact you.

    Implementation Data Quality Monitor

    If you want to implement the Data Quality Monitor, we’ll start with the Data Quality Scan. A preliminary analysis of your system(s), the IT landscape, the input and management process, and a determination of scope. Which data collections do you want to analyze and optimize?

    The result of the data quality scan is a data management advice including displaying the results of the scan of a data set in the Data Quality Monitor.

    Setup data quality dashboard

    After the preliminary analysis, we’ll install the Data Quality Monitor on a (virtual) server and link the source files (systems). We’ll load the data into the data quality monitor and run the predefined rules over the data.


    There’s a one-time fee for the set-up and configuration of the Data Quality Monitor and for linking it to the source systems. After implementation, you pay a fixed fee per month for the subscription. This includes management, service & support.

    Additionally, you may opt to purchase supplementary support hours via a quarterly bundle. This is optional.

    Start the data quality scan today

    Type 2 Solutions is experienced in data: optimizing business data and managing master data.

    We work according to a proven approach. A data quality project starts with a data quality scan of 5 working days with as deliverable not only a report but also insight into the quality of data using the Data Quality Monitor.

    Discover the data quality scan.

    Any questions?

    Please leave your contact details and we will contact you within one working day.

      Frequently asked questions about a data quality dashboard

      A data quality dashboard is a fast and easy tool that tracks the quality of your data. It helps you to tackle data quality issues and gives you clarity. The clarity is not just there for a week or a month; using a data quality dashboard leads to continuous improvement of your data.

      A data quality dashboard provides that kind of insight that makes it possible to improve, maintain and optimize data quality. Over time, the facts keep adding up, and you get progressive insight. It empowers you to steer by the realities in your data. You will get the peace of mind that comes with being in control.

      You can create your data quality dashboard in 4 steps: 1. Define the kind of data to be collected and the elements within that data which should be optimized. 2. Define rules for each data element and automate the control mechanisms. 3. Assign the responsibility for the optimization of a data entity to a single person. 4. Automate data validation according to their definition, and store results automatically with the data quality dashboard.

      You can check the quality of your data real-time in the dashboard. Your data is extracted from the data source of your application(s). This data is automatically evaluated by the data quality dashboard, according to the business rules resulting from the data definitions. Exceptions to those business rules are detected, collected, and presented to the data owner in the dashboard. The data owner can take appropriate corrective action, either by correcting the data, or by fine-tuning the data definitions.

      Data quality is a measurement of how fit a data set is to serve the specific needs of an organization and preferably a bit more. What matters is whether the data you register is correct, complete and fit-for-purpose. But this is changing rapidly, especially nowadays. It is therefore possible that the quality is 100% (correct and complete) today and will no longer be tomorrow due to changed market conditions (fit-for-purpose). You can think of the e-commerce requirements of new customers and other buyers. This increases the data requirement such as photographic material, additional product features and data required in electronic communication.

      Data quality optimization is a continuous process. A quick one-time cleanse will get you back right where you were in no time. Data is like a living organism, it is constantly moving and evolving. Therefore, constant monitoring and cleansing are necessary. The optimization and above all the preservation of data quality requires discipline and planning. Companies that continuously improve the quality of their data can gain strategic advantage and provide greater value to their customers.